Nun kommt es als Nachtrag, die meiner Meinung nach beste Methode, ein Fünfeck zu falten: Der Origami Club
You are writing a blogpost, you are proud that it even contains an instruction and then you have to notice, you've forgotten the half of it. Right now a dear friend of mine reminded me of that. She told me that she liked the article of the Star Potjomkin very much, but she was lost when the diagram asked for a pentagon. In this moment it made klick and I remembered, I wanted to add a link to this instruction.
So, last but not least, here is an instruction for the best method to fold a pentagon: The Origami Club
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So faltet man ein Fünfeck, Bild und Anleitung vom Origami Club This is how you fold a pentagon, picture and instruction by th Origami Club |
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