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Orangutan von Nguyen Vo Hien Chuong |
On and on again I think about my visit in Italy in autumn last year with glee. As always during an Origami convention I got to know many interesting people. One of them I even met twice, because Hoàng Tiến Quyết, aka Ori_Q, was invited guest in Weimar 2013 and in Italy too. To me Quyết is a master of wet folding, a folding technique with wet paper. This way he gains models with a beautiful organic shape.On his photostream at Flickr you can have a look at his art and I took two photos of his models in Italy.
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Ratte von Ori_Q |
Während des letzten Abends in Italien zeigte uns Quyết, wie man seine Muschel "Jamie's camino" faltet. Das ist ein wunderschönes und dennoch nicht so schweres Modell und er hat vor einigen Tagen sogar ein Diagramm dazu veröffentlicht - >hier< zu finden.
Beim Falten fiel mir auf, dass die Form leicht zu einem Schmetterling umgewandelt werden kann. Nichtsdestotrotz habe ich ziemliche viel Zeit gebraucht, um ein endgültiges Ergebnis zu erzielen, das mich auch zufriedenstellt. Aber schaut einfach selbst:
On the last evening in Italy Quyết showed us how to fold a shell he called "Jamie's camino". It is a beautiful and not so difficult model and some days ago he also published a diagram for it, which you can get >here<
While folding I noticed, that the shape could be easily transformed into a butterfly. Nevertheless it took me quite a long time to find a final model, which satisfied me. But take a look for yourself:
While folding I noticed, that the shape could be easily transformed into a butterfly. Nevertheless it took me quite a long time to find a final model, which satisfied me. But take a look for yourself:

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