Das heutige Modell passt sehr gut zu diesem Thema. Es ist die Star Box von Robin Glynn und er schreibt dazu auf seiner Homepage: "It took 2 minutes to decide on the shape and then 2 months before I finally had a completed model." (Es dauerte 2 Minuten, um zu entscheiden, welche Form es werden sollte und dann 2 Monate, bis ich endlich das fertige Modell hatte.)
Like last year I am trying to present a model from a book one day and from the internet the next day. This way you can join my calendar at least every second day. But please keep in mind, it doesn't matter where an Origami model is from, everytime it takes the designer many hours of work developing the model and making the diagram. That's the reason why you should always link back to the original source of an instruction you are writing about.
Todays model perfectly fits this topic. It is the Star Box by Robin Glynn and he says about it on his homepage: "It took 2 minutes to decide on the shape and then 2 months before I finally had a completed model."
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