Todays box is one of my favourites. It is the Victoria's Tato-Box by Cristiane Bettens aka Mélisande*. It is made of only one square sheet of paper, but it has such great elegance. And I always like the tato mechanism. And this led me to an article written by David Lister, because I knew the name Tato and some folding principles, but I didn't know anything else about it.
„Kalami, die alte fernöstliche Kunst, Straßenkarten vernünftig zusammenzufalten.“ D.Adams, S.Böttcher, J.Lloyd: Der tiefere Sinn des Labenz. 2.Auflage, München 2004. Eigentlich soll es hier gar nicht um Kalami gehen, sondern um Origami, doch wer auch nur annähernd die Geduld hat sich dem Kartenfalten zu widmen, der kann auch anderes Papier in andere Formen bringen.
Mittwoch, 6. Dezember 2017
Die heutige Schachtel ist eine meiner Lieblinge. Es ist Victoria's Tato-Box von Christiane Bettens aka Mélisande*. Sie besteht nur aus einem quadratischen Blatt Papier, aber sie ist sehr elegant. Außerdem mag ich den Tato-Mechanismus. Und das brachte mich nun zu einem Artikel von David Lister, denn ich kenn zwar den Namen Tato und das Faltprinzip, doch nichts weiter darüber.
Todays box is one of my favourites. It is the Victoria's Tato-Box by Cristiane Bettens aka Mélisande*. It is made of only one square sheet of paper, but it has such great elegance. And I always like the tato mechanism. And this led me to an article written by David Lister, because I knew the name Tato and some folding principles, but I didn't know anything else about it.
Todays box is one of my favourites. It is the Victoria's Tato-Box by Cristiane Bettens aka Mélisande*. It is made of only one square sheet of paper, but it has such great elegance. And I always like the tato mechanism. And this led me to an article written by David Lister, because I knew the name Tato and some folding principles, but I didn't know anything else about it.
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