
Samstag, 17. Dezember 2016

Siebzehnter Dezember

Der heutige Stern wurde von Nick Robinson entworfen, einem Origamikünstler und Musiker. Das 'Trimodule' kann auf verschiedenste Weise zusammengesetzt werden, so dass ein flacher Stern oder unterschiedliche Kugeln entstehen.

Todays star was desigmed by Nick Robinson, an Origami artist and musician. The 'trimodule' can be joined in many different ways, so you'll get a flat star or various globes.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Tine, we ( Corrie van Lint and I..Elly van Zundert NL-we once met in Mennorode) saw this wonderful flat star. We found the diagram for the kusudama in Nick's book but there's no explanation for the flat star. We wonder how you did it.. Can you please give us some advice in this? Thank you in advance.. Corrie and Elly (

    1. Hi Corrie and Elly, hopefully it's not too late. You take 12 units, two per tip. You put two together on one tip as shown in the diagram. The other tip you join in the centre of the star by connecting it to the unit on the right/ clockwise side.


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