
Freitag, 3. Februar 2012

Lass es blühen! - Let it bloom!

Schon vor etlichen Monaten habe ich dieses Kusudama entwickelt, nur bin ich einfach nicht dazu gekommen, es fertigzustellen und zu fotografieren. Den Prototypen hat meine Freundin Marion bekommen, deshalb nenne ich das Modell auch einfach Marions Kugel.

It's several months ago since I developed this Kusudama, but took me quite a long time to fold it and take a picture. The protoype was a present for my friend Marion and that's why I call it Marion's Globe.

Das Modell wird aus 30 Quadraten gefaltet und kann auf verschiedenste Weise variiert werden. Mal sehen, vielleicht schaff ich es ja schneller, Variationen online zu stellen.
 The Ball was made of 30 squares and can be varyed in many different ways. Let's see if I can fold and present some of those faster.

5 Kommentare:

  1. Ist sehr schön geworden, ich wünschte meine Fotos wären nur annähernd so schön wie Deine
    Die Farben knallen richtig, super für den kommenden Frühling ;-))

  2. ola!
    muito legal!tudo muito lindo!
    sou do Brasil!
    estou tentando montar origamis para decoração do meu casamento, teria o diagrama desse kusudama??
    desde já ARIGATO!

  3. Sábado na balada ... so if google translate is right, you are asking me for the diagram of this model. But I have to say I havn't drawn any yet and as this is a more complex model, it would take too much time (which I havn't got these days) for me to make one right now. So if google was right and you want to decorate your wedding with origami, I give you the advice, fold less complex things (I made lots of butterflys), but make many of them - this looks really cool, you can put it on every table, on the walls, your groom, dress etc.


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